Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa, Satan?

Seems to me these words are a bit too close for comfort. Satan. Santa. All the same letters, only the n moves from the middle to the end. Okay, call me skeptical or a word nerd, but is it just in word alone? Could it be that the similarities don’t end there? Do we dare to compare? Lol need you ask? ;-)

Who is Satan?

From what the Bible tells us of him, he was not only the means of the first disobedience, labeling him as opposed to God, but we are also told he was kicked out of heaven for trying to replace God.

And he still tries to get all the glory. Look all around us! What is evil? What is temptation? A means to keep us from God and all that is good, yet again.

Satan is not only a deceiver but also a liar. He is behind all that is evil and all that seeks to destroy us and keep us from the truth and is not beyond telling a tale to do so.

Keep in mind, he is depicted in one way as a RED thing with horns and a pitch fork. And we can’t forget the actual serpent -or wolf in sheep's clothing- he portrayed to lie to Eve.

Now, who is Santa?

Santa is a fat man in a RED suit who rides around in a flying sleigh pulled by reindeer (A little far fetched? I think so.). He’s always depicted as having twinkly blue eyes and white hair -thick beard and mustache included.

What you may not realize is he is a distraction from the real meaning of Christmas -Jesus Christ. That makes him a deceiver too and, in effect, trying to keep us from God.

Whether he intends to or not, Santa is pushing out Christ -the truth. This then makes him a liar as well. Not to mention many parents make Christmas all about Santa Claus bringing presents instead of the truth of Christ’s birth which led to His death for all of us. We are squashing out truth with lies and Santa is at the head of them all around this time of year.

So... The comparison is pretty inseparable.

Sure, give Santa a kind, giving heart. Tell kids he is the one behind the presents when in reality he doesn’t exist. All more lies. And for what? A fat man in a suit. A deceiver and stealer of all that is true and good.

Which seems more meaningful... A man who breaks into your house every Christmas Eve to leave gifts, or One who came to live on this earth in order to die for all of our sins? The only reason Santa might seem more meaningful is because he preys on people’s selfishness. He is ALL about the presents!

So, give him blue eyes and white hair. You can give him all that and more! But, he is still no different than Satan himself. And people are in turn feeding him and his lies.

Not me. I need something that’s real and true to celebrate. Not that I’m against fairy tales by any means, but when we try to replace the truth of Jesus Christ with ridiculous tales, that’s where I have a problem.

Merry Christmas to you all! May the real reason for the season bring joy and comfort to your home and family. I wish you many blessings and adventures in the coming year.

~L. Pierce

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Health and the Bible, Part One

A lot of followers of Christ seem to think the Bible tells us only how to be saved from an eternity in hell, nothing more, and that the rest is up to us to figure out. But I have a hard time with this concept. A God that proves Himself time and time again as the God of the Bible does wouldn’t leave us to “fend for ourselves.” Especially when it comes to being healthy!

So I set out to find answers...

What exactly does the Bible tell us about being healthy? Anything?

For one, we are told God loves and takes care of us:

“If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” ~Matthew 6:30

“Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!” ~Luke 12:24

These are only two verses proclaiming this truth, but the proof of it concerning God’s faithfulness to the Israelites is sound.

Secondly, God wants the best for our lives:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” ~Jeremiah 29:11

Without our health, we have no future.

You might be thinking, why then does He let so many good people die from “incurable” diseases? But hold on a second... God didn’t call any disease incurable, man did. That means man is the only one who doesn’t know how to cure it. Not God.

Just hang in there with me and I will answer the question, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself. I wish to lay things out in an orderly fashion.

Let’s go way back to the beginning. In the Garden of Eden after God had finished creating man -the delight of all his Creation- what was it he gave them to eat for food?

That’s right... Fruits, Grains, and Nuts:

“Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” ~Genesis 1:29

Then, as a result of the Fall, He gave them Vegetables:

“It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.” ~Genesis 3:18

As a babysitter/nanny, I’ve been in many homes and fed many kids what has been available to me. In almost every home, there are not nearly enough -if any at all- of these foods. There is meat, there is dairy, there is bread, and there is sugar (lots and lots of sugar).

Anyone can google the benefits of fruits, vegetables, and nuts and find they are critical to promoting good health, which makes sense since they were the first foods God gave us! Fruits, as do vegetables, provide vitamins, minerals, and even fiber! So, where have all the fruits and veggies gone? Nuts are rich in fiber, phytonutrients (you know, those things necessary for sustaining human life?), and antioxidants as well as being choked full of good fats.

If you’re wondering: Yes, the Bible does make mention of good and bad fats - Leviticus 7:23.

Is it any wonder those kids, bless their hearts, fight for their health in some form? That’s not their fault or God’s fault. It’s not even mine for feeding them. It’s their parents for not supplying better.

By the time God allowed eating meat in the Scriptures (after the Global Flood), the need for vegetables, nuts, and fruits hadn’t changed! In fact, after the Flood, there was no vegetation, so the only food available was meat. And look at how a diet of meat effected life spans -before the Flood people lived to be around 900 years old, but Noah’s son, Shem, lived to be only 600. After him, Abraham lived only to 175!

This need still has not changed. These things remain our number one food, though one wouldn’t think so to look at the way the average American eats. We’re all about our meats. Burgers, ribs, hot dogs, steak.

Now, don’t get me wrong. As mentioned, God allowed the eating of meat (certain meats, mind you, as made clear in Leviticus). Meat is not a bad thing -I am far from a vegetarian. But the lack of fruits, nuts, and vegetables IS a VERY BAD thing. Those things are imperative to our continued health because God gave it to us as our sole food. Now-a-days meat is the main part of our diet.

I repeat... Is it any wonder there is such sickness and death in this country??? The average life span is in the 70’s! We are literally killing ourselves! No terrorist group should worry about us. At the rate we’re going, we’ll be out of their way soon enough. Just let the ills take us. But, I say NO! Please, we must stop killing ourselves. God did not bless this country the way He has for us to take advantage of it and destroy ourselves!

At this point, some Christians fighting an illness would probably say, “If it is my time to die, then so be it. It must be God’s will.” But wait a second. We just read that God wants the best for us. How is being sick the best for us? That is not God’s will. It was also not God’s will for us to die either (in a spiritual sense), hence why he sent Jesus.

I’ve even known a few believers to say, “I don’t want to be on this earth longer than I have to,” as an excuse to not take care of themselves. People, I can’t stop thinking that this is nothing short of suicide. If you give up on life and taking proper care of yourself, when you know better, you are allowing yourself to die and doing so by your own hand. How do the two differ?

God is very clear in His Word. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..” ~Hosea 4:6

There is your answer: God allows people to die because they do not seek knowledge. They do not seek to learn from Him. They do not seek to really try. They would rather rely on fallible man (the quick and easy solution), than to rely on God the Father that knows EVERYTHING! He doesn’t want us to be sick, sickness leads to nothing! We can’t be anyone for Him if we are sick, and God has such an amazing purpose for all of us! But, at the same time, He will not force us to do anything. He gave us free will to decide and He wants US to be the ones to choose to do right.

The answers are clear and simple. God has given us all we need from the very beginning, if we would but comply.

A bit of advice though...

We must examine EVERY option and where it will lead before making a final choice. Please, DO NOT rely on one person’s opinion with something as complex as your body. It is dangerous ground. You wouldn’t rely on your own opinion, would you? How is one more person any better?

And do not be forced into something by fear. Look to the God who made you for answers on how to maintain His temple, your body. He will be quick to respond, trust me. But you must be willing to comply.

Finally, let’s not forget our fruits, vegetables, and nuts (and by this, I don’t mean peanuts-those are not nuts). God was right to give them to us as food from the very start.

~L. Pierce

P.S. -- A great resource to learn more about nutrition is the Amazing Health magazine by Amazing Facts. The website is You can find the fantastic articles from the magazine under Health Articles.

If you would like your own personal magazine, leave a post with your email address below and I would be happy to send you one at no cost. Whatever it takes.

Next Posting--- Herbal Medicine, The Product Of A Caring God

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

But Then There Was God

This testimony is absolutely phenomenal! This woman's son was, according to a medical doctor, incurable. But then there was God...

Watch the video here -

I challenge anyone to explain how this could be possible without God.

It just amazes me. I'm sitting here on the brink of tears after watching this video. I knew I had to post it. The Lord is so incredible, and there can be no doubt that He loves us beyond measure. Praise Him forevermore!!

Pardon me for getting off topic now...

Lately I've been in a researching mode for a lot of things but, in particular, Herbal Medicine and Health. I'm blessed to have a mother who shares a love for books like I do, so my Library is already full of sources on this topic. The month of October I would like to use to share some of what I'm learning and finding. This could include history, the Bible, the medical field, any and all of it.

I hope you'll stay tuned. This topic gets me so excited. It's further proof of God's incredible love and provision.

Be well! Have a blessed week!
~L. Pierce

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A First For Iceland

There have been several firsts for me the end of August. First time flying in an airplane. First time leaving the country. First time ordering room service. And first time witnessing the beauty Iceland had to share. Let me assure you, there was lots of that last one.

As before, I wasn't able to blog during the trip, so I'll give a summary.

I discovered rather quickly that I LOVE flying! Particularly, watching the earth get smaller and smaller the higher you go. Our flights were nice, too. On the back of the seats were screens to watch a movie or show, listen to music, learn Icelandic, or play games on. It made the trip faster and a lot of fun (unless you had a broken screen).

We arrived in Keflavik around midnight, Saturday morning, and were driven to Reykjavik, the most populated city in Iceland. That day turned out to be a big event -Culture Night, August 22nd. There were bands playing all over the city throughout the day and into the evening, and it ended with a gorgeous display of fireworks (in my opinion, ten times better than we have here in the states).

After two nights in Reykjavik, our adventure began to circle the entire island in 6 days. We received our vehicle in the morning on Sunday and set off that afternoon. Our drives each day were full of land, water, and mountains or at least two out of three. The land ranged from lava rock, gravel, and black sand. Green moss was a frequent growth, unlike trees, and was more often than not found growing on the lava rocks.

We stopped several times to see some incredible waterfalls and glaciers. The water there is so pure and clear, if it hadn’t been so cold, we would have jumped in for a swim.

The places we stayed were lovely and unique. My dad opted for the highest rated ones and they sure were. We either stayed at the foot of a mountain, in a big city (which there weren’t many of), or near water of some sort.

At Lake Myvatn, we got to ride Icelandic horses which look like ponies because they are smaller than the horses we have in the US, but to call them such is actually offensive to Icelanders. The ride was so enjoyable!

We wandered off our mapped route once to see a harbor town and boy, were we glad we did! More beautiful water across from mountains with snow spotting the peaks. It was breathtaking.

The trip was definitely something we all will never forget. I would recommend it to anyone looking for an escape to a gorgeous location, and I think we all would love to go back!

My sister and I took lots of pictures and my brother actually filmed the trip. You can see the pictures on my Facebook page, just find me under the address -Lauri Pierce. I’ll let you know when the video is up online once my brother finishes editing and such.

Sorry the update is late! With school starting and such, things have been crazy. In fact, I’m rushing off to get ready for a busy evening. Hope this finds you all well! :)

Until next time,
~L. Pierce

P.S. I simply must figure out how to add pictures to my posts. I would have put one up with this had I known how.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Follow Me

We all follow something, whether we admit it or not. It could be the latest horoscope or media update on our favorite actor(-tress) or singer. Could even be a few friends.

Jesus knew this about us, too. Throughout the four Gospels, we read of Him saying these very words to people. “Follow me.”

“Well, so what? Why does it matter what I follow after?” you might be thinking.

Last night, I read in The Holy Spirit and You by Dennis and Rita Bennett, “Christianity is not founded on the teachings of Jesus, but on the Person of Jesus. It isn’t what He taught, but Who He is, that matters most.”

This is so true, and it helps us to understand a bit more of why He said to follow Him. Let me show you.

If you read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Bible, who would you say Jesus was? What sort of character did He have? He was certainly loving, caring, generous, compassionate, kind, selfless. And we could probably go on.

Based on this then, if we chose to “follow” Him, we too would adopt these qualities, wouldn't we? Absolutely.

The same is true if we follow something like the media, for example. It will change us one way or another. Watching all those perfect people going to clubs and drinking until they don’t know which end is up anymore sends the message that in order to be like them -to follow them- we must do the same. Doing as they do is one step closer to accomplishing our goal... It’s no wonder so many people drink.

But, the question remains, is the media a wise thing to follow?

I’m sure I don’t need to remind everyone how many people die from drinking. And I’m not talking about just drinking and driving (check out the stats on drinking and driving - 140,000 people, this link says. And this is just for America.

As for drinking alone, let me share some more statistics...

An article at Telegraph says 15,000 people die from alcohol related diseases each year.

Another link said that 76,000 people died a year in India from alcohol abuse- It also says, “I would guess that the figures are underreported a bit because many families refuse autopsies for their obviously drunken relatives. These figures also don't reflect criminal acts like murders and suicides, many of which are directly alcohol related.”

And that’s only two locations! Now, this blog isn’t about drinking, so let me get back on track.

Media. If we follow it, it teaches us drinking is cool. Yet, drinking is nothing short of deadly. Media leads to drinking which leads to death. To shorten it, media leads to death.

Is the media really something we want to be following? We’ll be willingly following our ultimate demise. Think long and hard about it...

There is lots of truth then to what Jesus said. “Follow me” wasn’t meant to form a possy or become the largest group of people in the world. I give people more credit than that.

No, Jesus meant it for life. He meant it to save us by giving us a worthy Leader to follow.

Who or what do you follow?


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Some Journal *pfft*

Man, has the time flown. My journal didn't really turn out how I'd hoped. During the week of the conference my schedule consisted of mostly sleeping, eating, driving, and sitting with the occasional chance to sight see here and there. So, my time was pretty spent. Not a whole lot to offer in the writing department. Then when I reached my Grandmother's house in PA after the first week, I didn't have net access for my computer. There goes that!

Truth be told, I don't know what I would have shared about the trip anyway. It was so incredible and anointed, yes, but it was one of those times you have to experience for yourself.

But, let me try and give you a taste of the week of the conference anyway...

Ruby Tuesday's has seen a lot of me and Stacy. At almost every one we ate at this one song ALWAYS came on... "I love it when you call, I love it when you call, I love it when you call, but you never call at all." That was in essence all there was to the song. Drove me nuts, but their salad bar made up for it. Haha

The area where we stayed at in Mason, Ohio and went to for the conference in Kentucky were great! Upon arrival we heard ravings about this ice cream place called Graeter's and wouldn't you know it, there was one right next to the church where the conference was held. Several days in a row we had ice cream every day. I'm convinced if you've never had Graeter's, you haven't had real ice cream. In fact, you don't even know what ice cream is until you've had Graeter's.

There was also Skyline Chili we were told was a must try, but I wasn't impressed (no offense to them). Just seemed too much like a fast food restaurant. lol Not my thing.

One of the sites we got to see on our tour of the area was the Newport Aquarium. It was really nice! They had some really cool aquatic creatures. The highlight, however, was the one wall with a painting of, I believe it was a Loch Ness monster (using it's scientific name, of course). But it was the ONLY display that incorporated the Evolutionary millions of years. I couldn't help thinking to myself... That's all Evolutionists have is a painting on a wall. Being on top of the Creation versus Evolution debate, the conference showed several other examples of this very thing. So, standing in front of this portrait (though it was well done), I actually had to laugh.

There was so much more to Creation College 3, I couldn't even begin to share everything. I must say though how Jason Lisle stole the conference with his new book The Ultimate Proof of Creation. He spoke several times on it throughout the conference and it's PHENOMINAL! This approach is full proof to defending the Bible. Don't believe me? Try me.

It's so true. Our God is astounding. Get the book. You won't be sorry! :)

Oh, and last but not least... the Creation Museum. *sigh* Stacy and I went 3 times. Lol it was [insert big, complementary word here, I'm out lol]! What I loved the most was how they didn't shove Creation and the Bible down anyone's throats. They actually gave you both of the worldviews present today -Creation and Evolution. And they left the choice up to you. Unlike secular museums who only offer one view as if there isn't any other. The Creation Museum is another must in my opinion.

The trip was definitely a success then! I had such a great time! Stacy, thank you for being my traveling buddy. No one could have taken your place. :) Can't wait for next year, too! Creation College 4 is already dated and the location set. I'll be there!

Until next time, this is Lauri, signing off. Hope you all are having a great summer!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Journal from the Road Day 2

Okay, so I have a joke...

Why did the blonde turn around and head back home to Virginia after only making it halfway to Ohio?

Answer: She read the sign

1 Mile

and drove as far away from it as possible.

Lol, no joke, there is actually a city called Hurricane in West Virginia. Stacy (my driving buddy) and I passed it on our way to Ohio. It spurned the blonde joke, which I can pick on because I've been told I am one (I still don't believe it). :P

Forgive me if I don't make much sense in what I say tonight. I'm exhausted and my head has been bugging me.

We have made it to our lodging for the conference and are so blessed by the wonderful family we're staying with. My mom told me I would enjoy them, I just didn't realize how much and how quickly. They are absolutely precious!

And this trip, too, has already been amazing. I've seen God's hand in so many aspects that it's impossible to say it all somehow happened and that I'm not intended to be here.

Tomorrow we start the conference and I can't wait to see what else the Lord has in store.

For now though, I must get some sleep. Hope to share more in the next day or so, preferably when I'm not so weary.

Until then, let the adventures continue! Bring God along with you, He makes it a million times better. :)

~L. Pierce

Monday, July 6, 2009

A Night to Remember

Hey everyone!

Hope you all had a fantastic July 4th with lots of food (preferably no beef due to that E. Coli outbreak) and fireworks! Wanted to share a little piece of mine...

The symphony I'm a member of performed down at the beach that night and we were honored to play with American Idol contestant, Felicia Barton. You can see a video of her performance here -

The night was truly a memorable occasion as is the holiday itself. Showing our gratitude for our military, our country and it's freedom, and to God is what makes July 4th special to me. And this one I'll never forget.

~L. Pierce

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Contest Story - Resurrection

This month will be kind of slow in the posting department due to a busy schedule... So, I've decided it's time to share one of my stories...

Here's a short story I wrote for a game contest. Let me know what you think! :)

by Lauri Pierce

The age of the Lich King remains. No one has been able to withstand and defeat him, though many have tried. As a last resort, an alliance between the Horde was sought but swiftly denied.

Cities have been overthrown by his minions. Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Dalaran, Shattrath, and others -they have all fallen to his forces that grow stronger each day.

No place is safe anymore.

The redemption of the Death Knights had given us all hope. We thought it to be a sign of the future that all would be well and that evil would be quenched. But one day their strength and power was somehow drained from them, leaving them helpless and mortal, and all of us confused. The only thing we were certain of was the Lich King’s involvement.

He proceeded to slaughter all our healers, removing our only means of resurrection and assured defense.

Everywhere I go, the land is strewn with bodies -permanent marks of the Lich King’s rule. The Death Knights can be found among them; nothing more than hopeful memories of what could have been.

The blood of innocent lives cries out from the ground, and only I can hear them. Grief follows wherever I go.

I am the last priest.


Rain pours from the shrouded sky as I tread through the dying lands of Ashenvale. Each step brings with it more cries and pleas for mercy, so I proceed slowly.

My throbbing head can’t take much more. The voices are many and weigh heavily upon my heart.

I’m a priest. I should have saved them. Why couldn’t I save them? Just as the dead pose their questions, my own beg to be answered.

I raise a hand to heal myself but it flickers weakly.

Leaning my back against a tree brings a fresh wave of voices. I can do nothing but crumble to the ground amidst the roots. My staff falls to my side as I rush to cover my ears, but it doesn’t stop the voices. They only get louder.

A curse escapes my lips. Will this ever end? I wonder. Or am I doomed to die from insanity?

Thankfully, the roar of voices dims. I drop my hands to my sides.

My legs and arms feel like thousands of gold bricks. My neck is sore from the burden of my head, which I cannot lift anymore. I’m finding the same is true of my eyelids. All of a sudden, it’s hard to keep them open.

Black begins to cloud my senses.

No! I must keep going! my mind screams. My arm flinches like that of a dying animal’s when I attempt to move. It’s the last thing I feel as everything disappears.


He’d heard it. Something had moved. Tika’s ears perked up, meaning she’d heard it, too. Gripping the bow tighter, Evick tugged at the arrow and they both continued their silent creep through the trees. The first sign of food would be theirs at long last.

Another decaying body crossed their path. Tika sniffed it for life but snorted to let Evick know there was none. No matter how hungry we get, we will never stoop to eating another person, dead or not, Evick vowed again at the sight, even as his stomach groaned. He urged Tika forward with a jerk of his head.

More bodies could be seen ahead of them, dotting the ground. Evick realized they were nearing Silverwing Grove. The outskirts were fine, but they wouldn’t dare go into town for certain that the Lich King’s minions would be watching.

Filthy scourge, Evick thought. His jaw clenched at the thought of them and their master.

When the bodies increased in number, Evick motioned for Tika to turn back. He knew they wouldn’t find anything edible in or near that massacre.

Lowering his bow, they turned around. Tika’s ears perked up again, but Evick hadn’t heard anything. She started sniffing the air. He followed the direction she was looking and saw a body slumped against a tree.

It was female. Human. He hadn’t seen her before, not to mention she was a little out of her territory. Then again, so was he.

Tika neared, still sniffing. Then she turned to him and started whining.

This one was alive.

Evick put his bow at ease, approached, and crouched beside the girl’s still form, examining her.

Her breathing was faint, but it didn’t appear she’d been injured. At least, from what he could see, she hadn’t received any bodily harm. Evick thought it to be strange.

The pack around her waist looked empty. Tika nuzzled it, and Evick concluded there must be some food inside. He pulled Tika back so she wouldn’t wake and startle the woman.

A staff lay adjacent to her. Evick noticed a single, scarlet ribbon wrapped around it from top to bottom -the mark of a Searcher. Picking it up, he looked from it to the girl and back again.

He’d only heard tales of Searchers. Of how they vowed to do what was right and good in every way. Sometimes it seemed almost unrealistic with all the evil in the world, yet he’d heard stories of their kindness and sacrifice to help even their enemies throughout his travels.

Evick had always just assumed those who had spoken of them had been wrong -merely weaving tales- but here was his proof. Before him was a Searcher herself. Unless she’d stolen it from another’s remains, which was unlikely considering it was the only valuable thing she had in her possession.

Evick stood with staff still in hand. Should he get her to safety? Or should he just leave her here? The Lich’s minions would surely find her.

A twinge tugged at his heart at the thought of leaving her to face assured torture and death. Did she deserve it? No, no one deserved such horrors! But, why did he care? She was one of them -the Alliance. His people had been fighting against them for as long as he could remember. Sure, they were all dead or had fled, but did that change things? He was still a Horde.

Evick stood and released a high pitched whistle through his teeth for Tika -something only she would hear. Then, Evick leaned the staff against the tree and turned to leave. He wouldn’t deny her her only means of defense at least.

But Evick couldn’t get his gut to stop clenching or his body to move any farther.

Tika appeared at his side and looked up at him with those knowing eyes. She knew him better than anyone, even himself at times. The corner of his mouth twitched and she whimpered, looking back at the human girl.

Evick turned just as the sun peeked through the gray sky to illuminate her staff.

The ribbon glistened.

Evick released a deep sigh. I have no doubt this girl would do the same for me if I was in danger. Enemy or not, that’s what she’s lived for. He looked to Tika to try and talk him out of it, but her catlike features only smiled. Besides, what did he care about the Horde?

Throwing his bow across his back, Evick retrieved the staff and secured it in the same place. Then, gently, Evick lifted the human from the ground. She squirmed but nestled against his chest and relaxed again. He paused at her warmth and waited for her breathing to steady before moving.

Tika led the way to the cave. Eating would have to wait for a little while longer. His stomach growled at the thought, and Evick hoped he wouldn’t regret this.


Crackling is the first thing I hear. Paired with the occasional pop and hiss and the warmth upon the side of my face, a fire is my best guess. I open my eyes. Blinking for them to adjust, I witness the flickering images of the game of hide-and-seek the shadows play on the rocky ceiling above me.

I turn my head to see more of my surroundings. To my left is a small fire. By the dome shape of the rocks, it appears I’m in a cave.

My head swims. I move one of the hands folded across my chest to rub it and send a spark of healing through the tips of my fingers. The nausea vanishes.

Slowly, I sit up.

I breathe deeply at the motion. Bending my straight legs to aid me, I grab on to them -my weakness still evident.

Thankfully, there are no voices nearby to greet me.

Once all feels calm in this new position, I look around some more. There is a skinning rack on the opposite side of the cave.

But something isn’t right. The last thing I remember is falling asleep against a tree. Nothing concerning a cave, a fire, and a skinning rack.

What am I doing here? More importantly, how did I get here?

Glancing to my right, I find my bag and my staff leaning against the wall. I pick up my bag and rummage through it. All my food is still here. My stomach growls at the sight, so I pull out a loaf of bread and tear off a piece.

I shift to face the fire as I take a bite.

The flames dance for me and I begin to feel peaceful. It reminds me of my dream.

It was strange. I’d actually felt true peace. Nothing close to what I feel now -this is only a small glimmer of what it was like. But, it was real.

The Lich King had been defeated. The alliance with the Horde had proven useful and it saved the world from his deadly rule. I could feel my body sitting taller as I recalled it.

I turn to the entrance of the cave and witness the darkness that still shadows the land. My shoulders slouch. Who was I kidding? Nothing had changed. There was never an alliance with the Horde, and the Lich King was still in control. It was all a dream to torment me some more.

I’m still alone. The thought snuffed out my candle of peace. I wept between my knees.

Sniffling, I wipe my eyes on my soiled sleeve. That had felt good. It had been some time since I was able to cry in solitude.

The cave seems darker to me than before, but the fire is still just as strong.

Movement at the entrance makes me jump. A two-legged figure fills the only way out. I blink frantically, trying to see their features and make out who it might be. Then I wonder how long they’ve been there.

Another figure appears. This one is some sort of creature. Four legged. A pet? It is the first to approach.

When it nears the light, its feline face comes into view. Its head hangs low and its ears droop. Its long, striped tail is tucked between its hind legs. Almost within reach, it grovels, crawling the rest of the way on its belly.

A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth. Either this cat is trying to be cautious and not seem threatening to me, or it craves the hunk of bread still in my hand. Somehow, I feel it is both.

It stops beside me and looks up at me with a pair of gentle golden eyes. I hold up my empty hand. Its soft, warm nose brushes my fingers as it smells. Then, it lowers its head to its front paws. Tentatively, I place my hand on its head and stroke its silky mane.

I can feel the creature begin to purr, and my smile can’t contain itself any longer. Under its spell now, I give it the rest of the bread in my hand. It had won me over.

Looking up, I find the other figure standing by the fire. The solemn glare of a male Blood Elf watches me.

My smile fades, and I shrink back. The deep-seeded fear I feel spreading through every inch of my body makes my heart pound faster.

He looks at me for a moment longer then crouches to lay a log on the fire.

It dawns on me that if they had intended to harm me, surely they would have done so by now. My heart steadies. But they have not. In fact, it appears they are helping me.

He leans his bow and quiver against the cave wall then slumps against it. As I watch him, I hear a growl. He places a hand to his stomach and wearily closes his eyes.

I grab my bag and pull out the bread. Slowly, I stand up and move his way. He examines my every move, especially what I carry in my hand.

Kneeling at his side, I tear off a huge chunk and hold it out to him. He eyes it hungrily, but doesn’t move to receive it.

“Take it,” I say with clumsy Thalassian.

I can see the surprise spread across his face. He accepts it and rips into it hungrily.

I pull back to my place by the fire. Tearing off another hunk, I toss it to the cat, then munch on the piece that is left.

“Tika,” the Blood Elf says, pointing to the cat. His rich Thalassian puts mine to shame. “Tika.”

I look at the cat and repeat. She straightens and her ears follow. A low rumble sounds in her throat. It must be her name.

I grin at the elf. He points to himself and says, “Evick.”

I have a rougher time with this pronunciation. “E-Evi-Evick. Evick.”

The corner of his mouth lifts with approval and amusement.

I lay a hand to my chest and give my name. Charlisse. I had learned that in Thalassian it meant healer -how appropriate. Yet, I wasn’t worthy of it.

Evick looks at me strangely. My thoughts must have shown in my features.

“You are a Seeker?” he asks. The word for Seeker is the same word for Searcher in his language, but I understand.

“Yes, I am.”

Something flickers in his eyes. Trust, perhaps? Or certainty? If I tried to explain it, he resembles what a child might look like when told their favorite fairy tale was true all along.

“Where are we?” I ask to veer the subject away from me.

“A cave in the center of Ashenvale,” Evick says without hesitating.

I look about the room and find the skinning rack again. There are a few bags nearby that I hadn’t seen before. “Do you live here?”

Evick nods.

I raise an eyebrow. “Why?”

He doesn’t respond immediately, but looks contemplative. Looking down, he toys with his bread.

I wait.

“No one knows about this cave. It’s not charted on any map,” he says. “Figured this would be the least likely place for anyone to find me. The Lich included.”

“What about your family? Do the Horde know where you are?”

Evick’s brow furrows. “Don’t have a family. And what family I thought I had in the Horde, I couldn’t have been more wrong about.” Evick’s brow furrows.

I can feel my eyes open wide in surprise. “Wh-why? That’s not exactly something you hear every day.”

The muscles in his jaw flex before he replies, “When they made a decision without thinking of anyone else but themselves and their pride, I knew I couldn’t be a part of them any longer.” He still wouldn’t make eye contact with me.

“What decision was that?” I ask, timidly. By his reactions, I don’t want to overstep my bounds.

Evick leans forward. His light green eyes, gentle yet smoldering with renewed zeal, hold mine. “They couldn’t put aside past issues with your kind to save the innocent lives of the women and children of ours.” His Thalassian fluctuates with indignation.

My jaw drops.

The alliance! This was about the alliance we’d petitioned for with the Horde. I can’t believe it. Evick had been against their decision.

Something inside stirs. I feel my insides awakening. It’s like I’m being reborn.

And my dream. What if it hadn’t been a dream from the past but a dream of the future? What if it had told me of this very meeting and what would come of it?

My heart blazes with rediscovered purpose. I can feel my power rush through me again. My hope returns and joy is not far behind.

“Evick,” I begin, practically gasping for air. “What if I told you that this meeting was not by chance?”

I receive the strange look I expected.

“Just hear me out. What if you and I have survived and have been united for a reason? It seems harder to think otherwise, doesn’t it?”

“I don’t follow you.” His brow is still raised. He probably thinks I’m a lunatic. If I didn’t know what I do, I’d probably think the same thing.

“I had a dream,” the Thalassian flows like water from my lips. “A dream that showed me a different ending than the one we are living in now. There was an alliance, and the Lich was defeated. And peace... There was peace throughout the land.”

Evick glances to the entrance.

“And then I awoke to you. Surely, that can’t be coincidence!” I finish.

He doesn’t respond. Tika still sleeps by my side. I can feel the warmth rising from her body as her form rises and falls.

“You can’t possibly think that the two of us can defeat the Lich King when whole legions have gone against him and failed?” Evick asks flatly, drawing my attention back to him.

I open my mouth, but can’t say a word. He’s right. What I was saying was nothing short of suicide. I can feel my flame begin to wane.

“Never mind. Forget I said anything.” I lay on my back, uncertainty creeping over me again. “Let’s get some sleep.”

Evick may not know what I have seen, but I do. It was real. He would just have to see for himself. We both would.


Evick woke with a bitter feeling inside. He hadn’t slept well. By the look of it, he hadn’t slept long either. It was barely dusk.

He wanted to believe what Charlisse said. He did. But, in the face of the impossible, it was hard. Sure, he hadn’t seen this dream of hers for himself, but what difference did it make? Reality was reality, and there was no way that two people could do something that hundreds of thousands hadn’t been able to accomplish.

Evick sat up, laid his arms over his knees, and huffed with frustration.

He turned to Charlisse, who’s back was to him. Tika still laid beside her.

How do I know I can even trust her? he thought, attempting to reason the issue away.

He worked it over for a few moments and immediately did away with the thought. Evick knew he could. Tika knew, too. There was no solid ground for such a ridiculous notion.

So, okay, he began, resting his forehead on his palms. Since I’ve obviously already examined how wrong and preposterous she might be, what about the other side of it? Could she be right? And, if so, how would I know?

Evick jumped when Tika pressed her plush head into his arm. He rubbed it and she curled up next to him.

The fire crackled dimly as his mind spun.

Then, Evick tensed. Tika did the same, her ears on full alert. Something had changed.

A low buzzing sounded in Evick’s ears. It disappeared at the sound of a voice -low and smooth, like honey, but dark and mysterious. “Where once was lost, it now is found.”

Tika stood and growled. She could hear it too.

Evick gained full height and retrieved his bow and quiver. Stringing an arrow, he inched toward the entrance.

“You thought you could hide from me, didn’t you?” The voice was unmistakable now. It was the Lich King.

Evick’s heart raced.

The darkness outside had lifted enough for the fog to be seen, but nothing else was visible. The fog was dense, and Evick could barely see the grass he stepped on upon exiting the cave.

“I see you,” the Lich teased.

Evick stopped, Tika snarling at his side. The feeling of doom was enough to topple someone, but Evick stood his ground. Listening. Waiting.

A faint clinking echoed nearby. Evick closed his eyes to listen.

More sounds joined in. The sounds of starving ghouls with their every move a plea for more to feast on to satisfy their eternal hunger. The hushed, airy passing of phantoms over the ground, neither touching nor moving without it. There was the clattering of the bones of undead and much more, though the rest was hard to decipher.

What Evick knew for certain was the Lich was not alone.

But where was he?

It sounded like he approached from the south, but with all the other noises, it was hard to pinpoint it -one sound seemed to come from all over. And the visibility issue wasn’t helping. Evick had nothing to lock on to.

All movement ceased. Evick’s eyes flew open and darted about for any signs.

The wind picked up and the fog stirred. Slowly, things became visible. The fog lifted from the ground; trees spotting the glade appeared, still hazy. Somehow, the Shady Nook offered its fading beauty as strength and comfort.

Whatever happens... Evick solidified.

Loud steps, paired with the moaning of armor, announced movement again. A form appeared in the fog ahead, tall and dark. Evick lifted his bow as the Lich King broke through the fog and stopped.

The Lich released a sadistic chuckle. “Now do you see me?” he whispered.

Tika fidgeted, and Evick eased his bow to place a hand on her head to calm her.

“What do you want, Lich?” Evick asked in poor Common language.

“I want the girl. And I want your head on a stake, but that’s irrelevant for now. Where is she?”

“Not here,” Evick lied. The image of her sleep being interrupted by this monster made his blood boil. “What could you possibly want with her?”

The Lich King moved unnaturally, bending his head to the side and twisting one of his legs inward then back to normal. “That’s my business. Now, where is she?”

“As I’ve told you already, she’s not here.” The words still came slowly for Evick.

“Do you honestly consider me to be so ignorant? I sense her warmth inside. I can kill her now if I choose.”

“You lie.”

“Do I?” the Lich challenged.

Evick didn’t respond but remained emotionless. He knew he was lying. If the Lich was powerful enough to kill them just like that, neither of them would be here right now. He may be able to get into people’s heads, but he couldn’t accomplish much more than that without help.

“You don’t know who you’re toying with, boy,” the Lich said, angrily, as if reading his thoughts.

He raised an arm and the wind increased. It blew clear the fog and there, behind him, stood an army of death as far as the eye could see. Evick had his proof concerning the Lich King and the extent of his power.

Everything Evick had heard was there and then some. There were also tainted races, glowing with red toxin that controlled them like puppets. Abominations, large and towering, wielded balls and chains in both hands. Their distorted features warped with pleasure at the sight of their intended prey. And flaming riders on ghostly chargers blazed with vengeance, allowing fire to spread to the surrounding trees.

All eyes were on him. Evick held his position.

The Lich King raised his massive sword, which began to glow. “Last chance. Give me the priest, and I may spare your life.”

Evick stared at him, silent. He had a notion to laugh at the ridiculous offer, but kept it to himself.

Tika twitched and hissed again at the threat to her master. Evick turned and whistled for her to settle, which she did.

He returned his gaze in time to see a blue ball of ice rushing toward him. Evick closed his eyes for the impact, but it never came. A shield surrounded him and Tika when he opened his eyes. He turned to see Charlisse moving out of the cave with staff in hand. She positioned herself on the other side of Evick and glared at the Lich King.

His army shuffled impatiently at her appearance, and the Lich signaled with one hand for them to stand down.

“It’s just like you to attempt to kill someone when their back is turned,” Charlisse said. “True sign of a coward.”

“You’d do well to hold your tongue, priest,” the Lich King responded, tensing in his place.

“Or what? You’ll kill me when I’m not looking? If I die by a coward, then so be it, but that makes you no less than a coward.”

The Lich clenched his fists, anger seeping from him like blood.

“What do you want, you sorry excuse for a villain?” Charlisse asked brazenly.

Evick turned to her, eyes wide. Is she mad? She winked in reply. No, she must only have a death wish.

Here they were. Evick realized this agreed with what she’d told him -that they would fight together against the Lich King. Evick knew inside she was right, but she’d spoken of peace. How could they defeat the Lich and his army? It was one thing to fight against him, but quite another to actually win the battle.

The Lich King charged another attack. Evick raised his bow and aimed for his head. Charlisse lifted her arms, eyes to the heavens in submission and prayer. She glowed with light but something more.

The Lich released his attack, which careened toward them. Charlisse opened her eyes and released a golden fire. The two collided.

Charlisse stood panting as the ice and fire consumed each other and exploded into shimmering raindrops that refreshed them as it showered them in a cool blanket.

“You really didn’t think I was much of a threat, did you, Lich? Being inside my head told you that I could hear and feel the dead crying out to me. All the dead you have produced.” Charlisse gasped for air. “And it kept me at bay. You knew it would. All those voices, weighing me down with every step I took. So you thought it would slowly drive me insane and kill me all on its own. The best way to torture someone is always just inside their own head.

“But, what you didn’t think to examine was how one unsuspecting life could make a choice and decide to do what was right even in the face of so much wrong. And how that choice would change everything.” Charlisse stood taller, then reached out for Evick’s hand.

He supplied it and could instantly feel the life charging through him. Evick felt more alive than he ever had. He was no longer hungry, alone, hopeless, or afraid. Evick felt stronger than he had for some time.

Charlisse smiled at him.

“That was your down fall, Lich. And now it’s going to cost you,” she said without turning from Evick.

Charlisse closed her eyes and began to sing. A song so sweet and gentle, so full of life and love, it caused the trees around them to stand taller and the sun to burst through the clouds with more radiance than ever before witnessed. It illuminated the Lich King -something he didn’t seem to like.

Evick watched the Lich writhe. His limbs contorted and twisted like some sort of machine losing control. His army began to back away as he dropped to his knees.

Charlisse began to pulse. Small rings of gold that grew larger and larger until they were enveloping the army even as they tried to flee. Skeletons separated and dropped to the ground in piles of bones. The flaming riders were quenched and vanished. Abominations fell apart and
crumpled to the ground, and the phantoms disappeared in dark puffs.

The Lich King yelled in pain as he clawed the ground.

Charlisse opened her eyes and began to move closer to the Lich, taking Evick with her. Things happened around them as they moved. Plants forced through the barren dirt and grew. Some even blossomed. Trees produced fruit again as well as flowers with colors more vibrant than in years past. Animals came out from their hiding places to race about without fear.

Life was returning. Evick laughed at the irony of it.

They stopped before the Lich King and the pulsing ceased. He gasped.

“Please,” the Lich King pleaded with hoarse vocals.

“You were once a mighty warrior for good, truth, and justice, Arthas. I’ve been commanded to call you by your real name now for no more shall you be the Lich King. No more shall you rule darkness and death,” Charlisse said.

“But, that is who I am,” he said calmly and hopelessly. “There are no second chances for monsters like me.”

“That is not true. I knew your father. He was a man of second chances, all of which he wanted to give to you. But you never accepted them. Just as you were called by the Lich King and chose to answer, you chose to ignore forgiveness and love and, most of all, truth. But, no more.”

Charlisse raised Evick’s hand and laid it on Arthas’ head, covering it with her own. The enchanted helm vanished and the pale face of Arthas became seen. He hung it, even as his white
hair stained brown from root to tip.

“No. No more shame for you, Arthas. You are a new creation. All is forgiven, but the choice is still before you. Will you accept forgiveness and do what is right? There is much in store for you if you do. Things even greater than promised to you by the Lich King.”

Arthas could only nod. The enchanted breastplate vanished and the rest of his armor dropped to the ground and shriveled.

Evick removed his hand when Charlisse did, and Arthas stood. His skin was a healthy shade again, and his eyes were no longer gray but a shocking blue. Arthas looked from his hands to the rest of his restored self, and he smiled.

“I will,” he agreed verbally this time. “With all that is in me, I will.”

Evick found himself smiling back and turned to see Charlisse doing the same.

“Now you are charged with righting your wrongs and ruling as True King this time, Arthas. A task I know you will fulfill without fail.” Charlisse then turned to Evick and spoke in Thalassian. “And there will no longer be a wall between our people, Evick. We will help you restart and rebuild the Horde, but there will be peace and unity between you and the Alliance.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Let it be as you say,” Evick replied.


I’d like to tell you that all went perfectly from that point on, but that would be a lie. We managed to rebuild both the Alliance and the Horde, and Arthas and Evick were set in place as the United Kings of what is now called Harmitia. I was also able to resurrect the murdered healers who then helped me resurrect all others. Things were looking good, and Arthas was fulfilling his promise to undo what he’d done.

But, if I left it there, it wouldn’t be true to life.

Arthas struggled with the voice of the Lich King for as long as he ruled, which was to be expected. It made him a stronger King in fighting against it daily though, and he did, succeeding
every time.

There was also an incident in the Horde concerning King Evick. Someone called him a softy, condemning his good nature, and Tika attacked them for it. But no one died, and, more importantly, no one said another word about the King from that point forward with the tigress Tika around.

As for me, I was named High Priestess, which, if you ask me, is going a bit too far. After that day, something left me. I was still the same person I had always been, but hearing about all I had said and done stunned me. It is what it is. Or, in this case, was what it was.

Now, I oversee all other healers and keep order and peace throughout the land. And Arthas, Evick and I are held in very high regard. What happened on that day is told around the world. Flattering, I know, but it gets the truth to be known.

So, yes, things really are very good. We all have our ups and downs, and I’m sure forever will, but we get through them, learn from them, and move forward.

Most importantly, we are all more joyful. Even Arthas who from time to time is caught dancing in the streets with the biggest smile upon his face.

The son has returned home. His father would be so proud.

What is the overlying theme for this compilation of the past? Well, isn’t it obvious? Good will always triumph over evil in the end.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

John and Kate, Concerning Your 8...

I haven't been big into the series and lives of John and Kate Plus Eight, but I've heard about them off an on and saw Kate on the 700 Club not long ago. However, recently, I have heard about their upcoming divorce, and it grieves me. Not for John and Kate, but for their eight.

I'm the child of divorced parents. One of three in fact. At first glance, you might think "well hey, she hasn't turned out too bad." Yes, perhaps. But that's been because of the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. If you knew my heart, mind, and life -everything not visible to the naked eye- you would know that I've been through things that I wish I never had been. Things I'm ashamed to speak of or even remember. Things that have served to only tear me into smaller pieces.

And it all started with a divorce. One simple little decision that I had no control over (free will, you know?). Honestly, I can say it all stemmed from that very occurrence.

But, I'm getting too far ahead of myself. I feel I should explain... From one kid who's been there and done that to you parents out there considering carrying through on this thing called divorce.

What exactly happens when two parents split? Most people think that their actions are their own and they don't effect anyone else but themselves. But this isn't true, especially when it comes to something as serious as divorce.

Take it from me. In the mind of a growing child, it's more like they are losing half of themselves. Suddenly they are being pulled two different directions to choose one of two sides (mom's or dad's). The stress of that alone is destructive.

Sure, it's not like you're leaving the country, never to see or speak to them again for the rest of their lives. And there are weekends and every other Wednesday nights to spend quality time with them. Certainly that must give you some props?

Not hardly. You're still gone. You're not there when they really need you most. They don't have you to stop them from doing something stupid because, after all, who can they trust if their own parents can't even trust each other enough to preserve their marriage?

The example you are setting for them comes into play next... Divorce is okay! You can't get along with each other? Don't even worry about trying! Get a divorce. It's the fast, easy way to serve the one and only YOU.

But that's not the only thing they will learn! How about talking things through? Working out problems and differences? If you can give up so easily on something like the life-long commitment of marriage, why shouldn't they? Heck, why should they even discuss things with their parents? After all, neither of them did a very good job at that. And their adults.

Where will that get them in life? Unhappy and selfish, just like you. If you're lucky, which you no doubt will be, your kids will give up on even their hopes and dreams for the future. Their self image will wear thin until breaking point. They'll look to find themselves in their friends and members of the opposite gender and who knows what else when, all along, you could have saved them all the heartache and disappointment and not to mention wasted time.

STOP! Before you sign that paper, think about it from a different perspective. Your kids. Will this benefit them at all? Will it harm them at all?

If all you can think about with divorce on the table is yourself, perhaps it would do you good to think of the others involved.

John and Kate, I don't expect you will ever read this but if by God's Grace you do, please please PLEASE rethink this. I have a perfect reason for you not to... Eight in fact!

For those eight precious little ones that love you and call you Mom and Dad. Who look up to you even when they are smarting off to you. Who melt into you for hugs and light with pride and determination when you make note of them and tell them they've done a fantastic job. For your girls, who will need their father more than ever when they are grown, and for your boys, who will rely on their mother in due course -to show them what to look for in a spouse and how a happy home is run where BOTH parents are working together.

Gosselins, you are in my prayers. God protect the next generation you were blessed with to mold and shape into great men and women.

~L. Pierce

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Joker in a Suit

I’m a sincere person. I want people to trust me when I say something just as much as I want to trust them when they say something in return. But, what if they say something that’s only meant as a joke, yet I can’t tell the difference? What then?

Well, then I’m in a bit of a pickle. If it’s concerning something important or major, I will react to what they say because I have no idea they mean it as a jest until afterward when they inform me.

This drives me CRAZY!!!!!!!

Honestly, you can call it a joke all you want but, in reality, you’re lying. “I’m joking” is just an excuse for your lie. How then do you expect me to take anything you say seriously?

I’m reminded of the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. After a while, people stop listening to you when you say things. Then what happens when you have something important to say? What if it’s a warning? People will suffer for your foolishness. Will it be funny then?

Stop the joking around. Be serious. Be honest. Please, don’t be a joker in a suit.

Psalms 34:12+13, “Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.”

~L. Pierce

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Simply Inspirational

As I write today, I’m having a hard time focusing on my writing. I’m in one of those ruts. I’ve been doing great up until this point, but now I sit before my work and just stare. Lol It’s very unproductive.

This got me thinking about inspiration. I realized that I could use some inspiration to help me write. The same is true of anything else I do. I’ve seen this when it comes to my music as well. In fact, recently I started taking lessons again DUE to a new inspiration. And yesterday, I was given another musical muse from someone I’ve barely even known.

Then I had a thought. It seems reasonable that I would stay with and in something longer the more I have motivation in the mix. Right? Well, yeah!

So, I’ve picked up a book or two, started actually reading the magazines and such in my possession, and have taken to write a blog (the one you now see before you). Just to get my creative juices flowing again. And I can already feel it working!

We all need inspiration to keep us going. This is why it’s important for parents to give compliments to their kids. It helps to build them up and inspire them. Tell them they can do anything and, by golly, they will! Tell me I can change the world, and I’ll try everything in my power to do so.

Make it a point to frequently place inspiration in your path or to do so for someone else. Add a little fuel to the fire. There’s no such thing as too much inspiration.

Happy June to you all!
~L. Pierce

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Two Months! AHHHHH!


I can’t believe it’s boiled down to two months already. Time is flying, and I’m so excited!!! FASTER FASTER!! lol

Why the childish thrill? Well, the week of July 20th, I’ll be taking another trip. This time to a conference in Kentucky -Creation College 3. But it’s the getting there that’s going to make this adventure twice as fun.

Road trip!!

I’ll be going with a dear friend of mine who is also attending the conference. We plan to see new sights, learn new things, and make some incredible memories.

That week, Lord willing (if I have internet), I will try and post frequently to share some highlights of what is going on and all that I’m learning. So, stay tuned!

To learn more about the conference, visit

Who knows, maybe I’ll see some of you there! :D

~L. Pierce

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

They're All Gone!!!

Being a writer is nothing new. There are hundreds of thousands -probably even millions- of authors in the world today, and that doesn’t even include those that love to write and have yet to be published.

With all those people already writing and being heard, who’s to say that they haven’t taken all the good ideas already? What if my ideas aren’t as unique as I may think?

I say no, with a very warm chuckle. Why?

We are each so unique in every way. Like snow flakes, no two people are exactly the same. Likewise, what we write will be as well. The ideas we envision in our minds, while they may come close to something we’ve read or seen or experienced before, will not be the same.

Let me give you an example. My writing partner and I do an exercise to keep our creative juices flowing. We’ll give each other a sentence or two of a theme off the top of our heads and then we each have to write for a certain period of time and let our minds run wild concerning where that sentence will lead us.

Last time, this was the sentence I sent her... The theme was modern/thriller:

My cell phone sounded from the passengers seat. With one hand on the steering wheel, I snatched it up and accepted the text message...

Now, when I typed that up, my mind went immediately to the phone text being from the antagonist that is threatening her by holding someone she loves hostage. But, my writing partner gave it a completely opposite perspective. She wrote that the text was from her boss, who appeared to be someone in the police department. The protagonist had been on a case looking for a missing girl who had just been found. The text was to let her know they’d found her and to come right away.

Same beginning, but after that everything else was like day and night. And rightly so! My partner and I are two different people.

This is one of the many things I love about writing. There is no right or wrong way to tell a story. It’s purely at the discretion of your imagination.

Rest in knowing that your uniqueness -everything that makes you who you are- will aid you in writing something that no one else has.

I thank God for this every day. Without our differences, we would be nothing more than robots. If that were the case, I doubt there would be such a thing as writing and that pains me to think about! Unique is just another way of saying that we are truly “fearfully and wonderfully made” by an awesome Creator!

~L. Pierce

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Vacations Away!

Ah, the time is here! Vacations are being planned and set out upon. The weather is beautiful, and the tourists are few. I’ve discovered that it’s the perfect time for a vacation.

If you’ve never been to Cape May, NJ, this time of year is perfect. Not too hot, but not too cold. The water is still too chilly for a swim, but the sights well make up for it. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to see it rain. Maybe a rainbow will show up and streak its way across the sky with its lucid colors.

We witnessed this very sight. The rainbow not only split the sky in half but separated the light from the dark. It was quite a spectacle! One of the many things I will never forget. God’s promise to Abraham so long ago is still with us. No leprechauns or pots of gold. No, something far greater than that. The love of God.

We took the ferry up and back from Lewes to Cape May and that in itself was so pleasant. The wind on your face. The sea air in your nostrils. I felt like I was Captain of the pirate ship Freedom. It was perfect research for a book I’m working on right now that happens to involve pirates. Nothing compares to first hand experiences when you’re writing. God is so good!

The ironic thing is that I live near the beach, but went to the beach for my vacation. Go ahead, you can chuckle and wonder what we were thinking. Trust me, I’m doing the same. Oh, but it was SO worth it! We’ve seen our beach a million and a half times, goodness knows. This was new territory to explore. I was enthralled and captivated both body and soul.

We didn’t get to see much of the history of Cape May (something we’ll have to discover on our next excursion), but I could feel it everywhere I went. To me, there is no greater high, aside from being in Christ, than seeing everything and everyone around you and knowing there is a story there. Something hidden to uncover like buried treasure.

Where will you be Vacationing this year? Your own backyard? Perhaps Jamaica? (If so, can you take me along? lol *wink*) Wherever you go, be sure to take God along. He makes things so amazing.

Isaiah 45:2, “I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron...”

Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to witness Your Glory and for all the precious memories made while doing so.

I’ve missed you all! Hope you have a blessed week. :)

~L. Pierce

Next Posting--- They’re All Gone!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Eating and the Bible: A Closer Look

This issue I’ve been discussing in my last few posts has been much deliberated and debated by many, especially where the Bible is concerned. Some would say the Bible gives permission for such things as eating what we now know as pure filth.

The main thing to notice, however, is that in order to do so and to agree with such a thing, one must ignore all the facts laid out before them. Not only the love of a caring Father that wishes to protect us, but the truth of the matter, such as we’ve found with the pig. Why would God have given us permission now to change it, when clearly the pig itself has not changed?

There are a few places in the Bible that it is said tell us this. I would like to examine two of them with a perspective that follows along with all that we have learned up until this point, if I may.

I wish to make things quite clear however, that I am by no means saying that I know everything or that my way goes. I will be the first one to tell you that I am not perfect, and it is greatly possible that I over looked something in the course of my research. But, God's Word is perfect. All I hope to do is offer some things to consider -some options to weigh amongst the many. My desire for this post is to help aid you in making a final decision.

Two of the major ones I’ve come across are Mark 7:14-23 and Acts 10:9-16. (for the sake of space, I will not provide the verses in their entirety.)

*Mark 7:14-23

Let’s go back to the beginning of the chapter... I truly believe that context is so important when it comes to the Bible. (Read on context.) And this instance proves it.

Read verses 1-13. What do you find?

The Pharisees accused the disciples of not washing their hands before they ate. This is the main issue concerning these verses, not the food they were eating.

Also, what is it that Jesus talks about as being the real source of uncleanliness? The heart. Jesus is saying that all that we take in (be it with our eyes, ears, mouth, etc.) does not make us unclean and evil (notice the order -unclean leading to evil). The evil our hearts choose to do or follow is what makes us unclean (this is the correct order -evil leads to unclean). We are unclean by our evil, or sin, not evil by our unclean (in this case, the dirt we ingest). Boy, is that a brain twister. Did you follow all that? ;)

Otherwise, every poor and homeless person would be considered evil. And even thensome! I know some American homes and families that are not exactly the cleanest people even though they have the capacity to be. Does that sound right to call them evil for it? Goodness, no.

See, what the Pharisees were doing here was making it seem like the dirt on our hands is what makes us evil or 'unclean.' The Greek word used here for unclean even means defiled. But that is not so. Verse 18+19 (before the parentheses.. I'll get there in a moment) agree with this as well. It is saying that it does not go into the heart, where evil starts, so it cannot be the cause. It goes into the stomach and out of the body. Again, this is not talking about food because food doesn't go into our heart either. It's talking about the dirt on the disciples unwashed hands.

It seems odd to me for the parentheses to be here then. Reading it plainly, it doesn’t even fit with all that is happening and being said. The only thing you could peg on this verse is concerning washing hands. So, should the parentheses really be there?

I’ve read that in the original Greek the parentheses does not exist.

And check out the KJV version (this, I’ve read as well, is the closest to the original Greek) - It explains things much differently and not to mention has NO parentheses saying anything of this sort.

I think it’s safe to say that this is not talking about food here at all. In fact, the word food is not mentioned, say for once in verse 2 to tell us what the disciples were doing -"eating food..." That's it.

Jesus was merely talking about how our digestion separates the impurities -like dirt from our hands- in the stomach. This has been proven scientifically, has it not? This, then, agrees with the Bible. But, saying that all food is okay to eat by this section, does not.

This makes even more sense as we go on to the next set of verses...

*Acts 10:9-16.

Mark is before Acts not only in book but time period as well. From what we can conclude about Acts, the issue of food is still there. Meaning, the passage in Mark we just read did not do what those claim it did. It did not make all foods clean to be eaten. Read it, and you’ll see.

Peter makes it very clear that he has still followed the food laws and would never break them. If this was changed back in Mark, why would he have needed to?

Now, onto the verses... As I’m sure your Bible makes aware, this chapter is actually three parts, not just one. I will abbreviate it for you.

Verses 1-8 tells us of God coming to Cornelius and telling him to send for Peter, which he does.
Verses 9-23 tells us of God coming to Peter, before the men sent for him arrived.
Verses 23-48 tells us of Peter’s visit with Cornelius.

The last set of verses is especially important. There we learn that Cornelius was a Gentile. At that time, Jews and Gentiles did not associate with each other. It was law (verse 27). However, in verses 1-8, Cornelius is described as a “devout and God-fearing man.”

This is the cause for all that was said in God’s vision to Peter. God was giving Peter permission to go to a Gentile, not that he could eat whatever he pleased. Peter even says this when he gets to Cornelius’ House in verses 27-29.

How do I know this for certain? You’re probably thinking, the vision did in fact include food, did it not?

Yes, it did. But, think about this...

Up until this point, Peter and those like him all followed the food laws as he makes clear in verse 14. Back then, it was a big deal, hence why Peter reacted the way he did to the vision.

Now, if God had really told him that all food was now clean to be eaten, that would have been MAJOR news for the Jews. I mean, we are talking life changing here! Wouldn’t Peter have wanted to spread it? And fast?

But, he didn’t. As we read in verse 28, he links it to the issue between the Jews and the Gentiles. Nothing more.

In conclusion then, it appears that the Bible cannot be used to support this claim that we are free to eat anything we want.

I have seen the reasons why first hand in fact. My father left and divorced my mom, not only turning his back on God but on everything -his entire way of life, which included food. Since then, he has eaten and done anything he pleased.

Well, just recently, he had his Appendix removed. The doctors said it was so toxic that if he didn’t get it taken out, when it burst (not IF it burst), the mess would be horrible. Now my father is without his Appendix, which I have read is a big part of the immune system. And I have no doubt that the reason it got to be so toxic was because of what he ate -it was much more than pork, too.

Reason for not eating what the Bible says to stay away from? The evidence is hard to ignore.


~L. Pierce